• spe_5


    Matt Finish
  • spe_5

    Specific gravity

    1.70 +/- .05
  • spe_5

    Solids (% by volume)

    50% +/- 2%
  • spe_5


    Sweet water
  • spe_5


    White, and colors
  • Description
  • USE

Ritver Platinum Emulsion Matt Anti-Bacterial is a durable water-based coating formulated to provide an antiseptic and bactericidal surface finishes. The material incorporates Nano silver which is proven to effectively kill almost all diseases causing microorganisms, even MRSA. Ritver Platinum Emulsion Matt Anti-Bacterial provides a permanent sterile surface as long as the paint surface is intact. It is particularly recommended for use in Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities, food processing plants, restaurants or any other internal facilities requiring a bactericidal surface. The material incorporates Nano silver which is proven to effectively kill almost all diseases causing microorganisms, even MRSA. It provides a permanent sterile surface as long as the paint Surface is intact. It is particularly recommended for use in Healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities, food processing plants, restaurants or any other internal facilities requiring a bactericidal surface.

Substrates: Concrete, plaster, gypsum board, wood.
Area of Use: Interior.

All surfaces must be sound, clean, dry and free from loose and flaking materials,
dirt, efflorescence, oil grease and other surface contaminants.
Apply Ritver Alkali resistant primer and apply stucco putty to even out the surface and fill
Small cracks. Remove all sanding powders by blowing air or vacuuming the surface.

The product can be applied by roller, spray, airless spray or by brush. Thin the material up
to maximum of 20 percent if the application method demands. Do not over thin the
product! Always ensure adequate ventilation during paint application for reason of health
and safety and also for proper drying of the paint.

Platinum Emulsion Matt Anti-Bact Alkali Resistance Primer or PVA Primer
Stucco Putty
Platinum Emulsion Matt Anti-Bacterial
2 coats of 30 microns
As required
2 coats of 30-40

Under dry and cool condition, storage stability can be sound up to 18 months in original sealed containers.

Disposal: As per the guidance and legislations of the local Authority e.g., by controlled landfill. In case of doubt, consult local authority. Do not empty into drains, sewers or other water courses.
Flash Point: Not applicable.

Avoid contact with the skin and eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing such as overalls, goggles, dust mask and gloves. Use a barrier cream. Other industrial practices are applicable. Ensure that there is adequate ventilation in the area where the product is being applied. Do not breathe vapor or spray.
MSDS is available on request for the safe handling of this product.

Eyes: In the event of accidental splashes, flush eyes with warm water immediately and obtain medical advice.
Skin: Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water or approved industrial cleaner. DO NOT USE solvent or thinners.
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, loosen collar and keep patient rested.
Ingestion: In case of accidental ingestion DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Obtain immediate medical attention.